Using the Vision

The outputs from work are used in a variety of ways:

  • Many companies use the VCE visions work as a strategic input to help define their own companies' research & innovation programmes 
  • Themes of broad interest which very new, and not yet being explored, are fruitful areas in which VCE can make a difference and typically are shaped into new core research projects
  • Other themes may lead to collaborations amongst member, and/or with non-member, companies, as elective research or Framework projects.  

The Industrial Visions activity is evolving to embrace new approaches to innovation and application.  Some aspects of vision are more appropriately tackled by routes other than research, eg:

  • Identifying SMEs or mid-tier companies who already have potential solutions or have the capacity to develop them quickly 
  • Working with players from other industries to apply outcomes from prior R&D in innovative ways and for innovative applications

VCE works with a range of partner organisations to reach such organisations, including Cambridge Wireless, Silicon SouthWest, iNETs, innovITS and the Knowledge Transfer Networks. Refreshing & Refining Technology is evolving rapidly. The global environment, business and society is also changing much faster than in the past. For this reason, the Industrial Visions work maintains an ongoing role of refreshing and refining the Vision, providing an external input and holistic systems perspective into all the ongoing activities.       


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